MikeFM |
Noob |

Dołączył: 07 Mar 2008 |
Posty: 18 |
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 1/3
grankee napisał: | Mi on grantów nie wyrzuca po skompilowaniu podanego kodu, co innego jak ściągnąłeś gotowy, mogła być opcja wyrzucania włączona. Co do ammo to ciężka sprawa bo tu taj nie ma funkcji, która wyrzuca istniejącą broń tylko funkcja, która w monencie śmierci tworzy broń taką jaką miał dany gracz i rzuca obok. Poszukaj dobrze, bo jest plugin, który wyrzuca z amunicją, wyrzuca nawet granaty ale leża one i można podnieść, a nie wybuchają. |
A możesz podać nazwe tego plugina bo znalazłem packa w któym niby taki jest ale tam jest tak nawalone różnych pluginów że nie da sie połapać
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych] albo przerobić ten, żeby wypadała też 2 broń:
Kod: | /* AMX Mod X
* Real Nade Drops
* (c) Copyright 2005-2006 by VEN
* This file is provided as is (no warranties)
* Plugin allow to players drop grenades while alive and leave grenades on death.
* Plugin obey all weapon drop/leave/collect/remove CS standards.
* - "drop [weapon_name]" command support
* - CS standard-like weapon switching after drop
* - death players leave nades on any death type
* - cleanup of dropped nades on every new round
* - unique throw-on-death fix
* - server crash protection
* - buy/drop flood protection
* fakemeta 1.71+
* rnd_alive [0|1] (default: 1) - disallows/allows to alive players drop nades
* rnd_death [0|1] (default: 1) - disables/enables drop player nades on death
* rnd_buy [0|1] (default: 1) - disables/enables alive drops mode during buytime
* 0.4 now only fakemeta (v1.71+) module instead of engine+cstrike modules required
* excluded "rnd_fun" command (not work properly under the current version)
* added "rnd_buy" command which allows to restrict alive drops mode during buytime
* added description for all commands which can be listed with "amx_help" command
* now on player's death dropped nades recieves velocity accordingly
* now total number of the dropped nades not re-counted every nade drop
* immediate nade drop/collect prevention method changed to "on ground" check
* made code optimization and some other improvements
* 0.3.1 fixed: "To many dropped nades on the map!" message was never displayed
* added client center text error message in case nade entity not created
* 0.3 excluded "fake" version of plugin
* fakemeta module not required anymore
* fixed: nade entity wasn't actually removed on collect
* nade drop attempt recognize method changed to "drop" client command hook
* added "drop [weapon_name]" command support
* added limit of total number of dropped nades to prevent possibility of server crash
* code changed so exploits can't be used so corresponding protection methods removed
* added fun drops mode for alive players
* CVARs replaced with CVAR-behaviour-like commands
* added CS standard-like weapon switching after drop for alive players
* changed death recognize method to distinguish any death type
* new round (freezetime) start recognize method changed to more efficient one
* drop/collect delay method changed to nade think
* some other changes and additions
* 0.2 included "fake" version of plugin (fake entity, fake collect)
* restricted ability of using nade multiple drop exploit
* restricted ability of using nade drop/buy exploit
* fixed: duplicate of throwed and exploded on death nade also remain on the ground
* cleanup of all dropped nades take place on every new round (freezetime) start
* geometric nade immediate drop/collect prevention method changed to touch ignore
* some other small changes and additions
* 0.1 first release
/* *************************************************** Init **************************************************** */
#include <amxmodx> // AMX Mod X 1.71+ required, check your addons/metamod/plugins.ini
#include <fakemeta> // fakemeta module required, check your configs/modules.ini
#include <amxmisc> // this is not a module!
// plugin's main information
#define PLUGIN_NAME "Real Nade Drops"
#define PLUGIN_VERSION "0.4"
// console commands' names
new CMD_ALIVE[] = "rnd_alive"
new CMD_BUY[] = "rnd_buy"
new CMD_DEATH[] = "rnd_death"
// console commands' access level
// modes' default state (true: ON, false: OFF)
new bool:MODE_ALIVE = true
new bool:MODE_BUY = true
new bool:MODE_DEATH = true
// uncomment to allow alive drops mode during buytime only for players who is outside buyzone (for rnd_buy 0)
//#define OBEY_BUYZONE
// center text client message (for rnd_buy 0)
#if defined OBEY_BUYZONE
new MSG_BUY[] = "You have to be outside buyzone!"
new MSG_BUY[] = "You have to wait %d second(s)!"
// center text client message
new MSG_TOMANY[] = "To many dropped nades on the map!"
// error log and center text client message
new MSG_ERROR[] = "ERROR: Unable to create grenade entity!"
// max. allowed number of the dropped nades
// nade unique classname
new NADE_NAME[] = "real_nade"
// for alive drops
#define NADE_PLR_DIFF_ANGLE_HOR 0 // player/nade horisontal angle difference in degrees
#define NADE_VELOCITY 350 // nade drop start velocity
// not really a configurable value unless you edited every corresponding array
#define NADE_TYPES 3 // nuber of nade types
// for drop on death
new const NADE_PLR_DIFF_DIST[NADE_TYPES] = {8, 8, 8} // player/nade distance difference
new const NADE_DIFF_DIST[NADE_TYPES] = {14, 0, -14} // nades distance difference
new const NADE_PLR_DIFF_ANGLE[NADE_TYPES] = {45, 45, 45} // player/nade angle difference in degrees
// uncomment to disable automatic 32/64bit processor detection
// possible values are <0: 32bit | 1: 64bit>
//#define PROCESSOR_TYPE 0
// player nades ammo private data 32bit offsets
#define OFFSET_AMMO_HE_32BIT 388
#define OFFSET_AMMO_FB_32BIT 387
#define OFFSET_AMMO_SG_32BIT 389
// player nades ammo private data 64bit offsets
#define OFFSET_AMMO_HE_64BIT 437
#define OFFSET_AMMO_FB_64BIT 436
#define OFFSET_AMMO_SG_64BIT 438
// player nades ammo linux offset difference
// determination of actual offsets
#if !defined PROCESSOR_TYPE // is automatic 32/64bit processor detection?
#if cellbits == 32 // is the size of a cell are 32 bits?
// then considering processor as 32bit
#else // in other case considering the size of a cell as 64 bits
// and then considering processor as 64bit
#else // processor type specified by PROCESSOR_TYPE define
#if PROCESSOR_TYPE == 0 // 32bit processor defined
#else // considering that 64bit processor defined
new NADE_ENTITY[] = "armoury_entity" // nade entity type
new const NADE_WEAPON_NAME[NADE_TYPES][] = {"weapon_hegrenade", "weapon_flashbang", "weapon_smokegrenade"} // nade weapon name
new const NADE_ITEM_ID[NADE_TYPES][] = {"15", "14", "18"} // nade armoury item id
#define WEAPONS 29 // number of weapons in weapons priority list
// This is CS standard-like weapons priority list. Weapon ids placed in decreasing priority order.
// Actually this list keep only follow exact priority order: primary, secondary, c4, grenades, knife.
// Inside primary and secondary class here are no exact priority order because by default player can have only one weapon of each class.
// Inside grenades class here are exact priority order because player can have different grenades at the same time.
new const WEAPON_PRIORITY[WEAPONS] = {3, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 30, 1, 10, 11, 16, 17, 26, 6, 4, 9, 25, 29}
// HLSDK constants
#define FL_ONGROUND (1<<9)
#define EF_NODRAW 128
#define IN_ATTACK (1<<0)
new bool:g_freezetime
new Float:g_round_start_time
#define MAX_PLAYERS 32
new bool:g_alive[MAX_PLAYERS + 1]
new bool:g_buyzone[MAX_PLAYERS + 1]
new g_nades_number
new g_maxplayers
new g_pcvar_buytime
new g_ipsz_armoury_entity
// strings cache
new g_classname[] = "classname"
new g_lastinv[] = "lastinv"
new g_item[] = "item"
new g_count[] = "count"
public plugin_init() {
register_plugin(PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_VERSION, PLUGIN_AUTHOR) // register plugin
// register console commands
register_concmd(CMD_ALIVE, "concmd_config", CMD_ACCESS_LEVEL, "[0|1] - disallows/allows to alive players drop nades")
register_concmd(CMD_BUY, "concmd_config", CMD_ACCESS_LEVEL, "[0|1] - disables/enables alive drops mode during buytime")
register_concmd(CMD_DEATH, "concmd_config", CMD_ACCESS_LEVEL, "[0|1] - disables/enables drop player nades on death")
// register events and log events
register_event("HLTV", "event_new_round", "a", "1=0", "2=0") // new round
register_event("ResetHUD", "event_hud_reset", "be") // alive player hud reset
register_event("Health", "event_dying", "bd", "1=0") // player dying (but not only!)
register_event("StatusIcon", "event_buyzone_icon", "b", "2=buyzone") // buyzone icon
register_logevent("logevent_round_start", 2, "0=World triggered", "1=Round_Start") // round start
// register client console commands
register_clcmd("drop", "clcmd_drop") // register "drop" client console command
register_clcmd("fullupdate", "clcmd_fullupdate") // register "fullupdate" client console command
// register forwards
register_forward(FM_Touch, "forward_touch") // register touch forward
// caching some values
g_maxplayers = get_maxplayers() // actual max. players number
g_pcvar_buytime = get_cvar_pointer("mp_buytime") // mp_buytime CVAR pointer
g_ipsz_armoury_entity = engfunc(EngFunc_AllocString, NADE_ENTITY) // nade original integer classname
/* *************************************************** Base **************************************************** */
public clcmd_drop(id) {
if (!MODE_ALIVE || !is_user_alive(id)) // if nade drops not allowed to alive players or player isn't alive
new current, clip, ammo, i
current = get_user_weapon(id, clip, ammo) // get id and ammo of current weapon
new arg[21]
read_argv(1, arg, 20) // get name of weapon to drop
if (!arg[0]) { // if weapon name isn't specified
if (!ammo) // if no weapon ammo (usually knife)
// get nade index
for (i = 0; i < NADE_TYPES; ++i) {
if (current == NADE_WEAPON_ID[i]) // if current weapon is nade
else {
// check if weapon to drop is nade
for (i = 0; i < NADE_TYPES; ++i) {
if (equal(arg, NADE_WEAPON_NAME[i])) // if weapon to drop is nade
if (i == NADE_TYPES) // if weapon to drop isn't nade
new weapon = NADE_WEAPON_ID[i]
ammo = get_pdata_int(id, NADE_OFFSET_AMMO[i], OFFSET_AMMO_LINUXDIFF) // get nade actual ammo
if (ammo < 1) // if no nade ammo
if (g_nades_number >= MAX_NADE_ENTITIES) {
client_print(id, print_center, MSG_TOMANY)
if (!MODE_BUY && !g_freezetime) { // is rnd_buy is 0 and currently not a freezetime
new Float:wait = get_pcvar_float(g_pcvar_buytime) * 60 - (get_gametime() - g_round_start_time)
if (wait > 0) { // is currently a buytime
#if defined OBEY_BUYZONE
if (g_buyzone[id]) { // is player in buyzone
client_print(id, print_center, MSG_BUY)
new seconds = floatround(wait, floatround_floor)
client_print(id, print_center, MSG_BUY, seconds ? seconds : 1)
new nade = engfunc(EngFunc_CreateNamedEntity, g_ipsz_armoury_entity) // create nade entity
if (!nade) { // if nade entity not created
client_print(id, print_center, MSG_ERROR) // client error center text message
log_amx(MSG_ERROR) // log error
set_pdata_int(id, NADE_OFFSET_AMMO[i], --ammo, OFFSET_AMMO_LINUXDIFF) // reduce nade ammo over one unit
if (!ammo) { // no more weapon ammo
if (current == weapon) { // if current weapon is weapon to drop
// CS standard-like weapon switching after drop
for (new j = 0; j < WEAPONS; ++j) {
if (user_has_weapon(id, WEAPON_PRIORITY[j]) && weapon != WEAPON_PRIORITY[j]) { // search for player main weapon id
new wname[20] // longest weapon name is "weapon_smokegrenade" (19 characters long)
get_weaponname(WEAPON_PRIORITY[j], wname, 19) // get name of player main weapon
engclient_cmd(id, wname) // switch player to his main weapon
else {
// this is necessary to strip nade properly
engclient_cmd(id, NADE_WEAPON_NAME[i]) // switch to nade
engclient_cmd(id, g_lastinv) // switch to previous weapon
set_nade_kvd(nade, g_item, NADE_ITEM_ID[i]) // set nade item type
set_pev(nade, pev_classname, NADE_NAME) // set nade unique classname
// setup nade start origin
new Float:origin[3]
pev(id, pev_origin, origin)
engfunc(EngFunc_SetOrigin, nade, origin)
// setup nade angles
new Float:angles[3]
pev(id, pev_angles, angles)
angles[0] = 0.0 // we don't need specific vertical angle
set_pev(nade, pev_angles, angles)
// setup nade velocity
new Float:anglevec[3], Float:velocity[3]
pev(id, pev_v_angle, anglevec)
engfunc(EngFunc_MakeVectors, anglevec)
global_get(glb_v_forward, anglevec)
velocity[0] = anglevec[0] * NADE_VELOCITY
velocity[1] = anglevec[1] * NADE_VELOCITY
velocity[2] = anglevec[2] * NADE_VELOCITY
set_pev(nade, pev_velocity, velocity)
dllfunc(DLLFunc_Spawn, nade) // spawn nade
public forward_touch(nade, id) {
if (!id || id > g_maxplayers || nade <= g_maxplayers) // check nade/player indexes
new class[32]
pev(nade, pev_classname, class, 31)
if (!equal(class, NADE_NAME)) // check if it's not dropped nade
if (!(pev(nade, pev_flags) & FL_ONGROUND)) // if nade is still not on the ground
return FMRES_SUPERCEDE // prevent immediate nade drop/collect
if (pev(nade, pev_effects) & EF_NODRAW) { // nade was collected and it's not visible because of NODRAW effect
engfunc(EngFunc_RemoveEntity, nade) // remove nade entity
public event_hud_reset(id) {
g_alive[id] = true
public event_dying(id) {
if (!g_alive[id]) // if player already dead
g_alive[id] = false
if (!MODE_DEATH) // if drop player nades on death is disabled
new ammo_fix[NADE_TYPES]
if (pev(id, pev_button) & IN_ATTACK) { // if player hold down attack button
new clip, ammo, weapon = get_user_weapon(id, clip, ammo) // get id of current weapon
for (new i = 0; i < NADE_TYPES; ++i) {
if (weapon == NADE_WEAPON_ID[i]) { // if current weapon is nade
ammo_fix[i] = -1 // create ammo fix since nade will be throwed
for (new i = 0; i < NADE_TYPES; ++i) {
new ammo = get_pdata_int(id, NADE_OFFSET_AMMO[i], OFFSET_AMMO_LINUXDIFF) // get nade actual ammo
ammo += ammo_fix[i] // apply ammo fix
if (ammo < 1) // if no nade ammo
new nade = engfunc(EngFunc_CreateNamedEntity, g_ipsz_armoury_entity) // create nade entity
if (!nade) { // if nade entity not created
log_amx(MSG_ERROR) // log error
set_nade_kvd(nade, g_item, NADE_ITEM_ID[i]) // set nade item type
// setup nade ammo
new count[4]
num_to_str(ammo, count, 3)
set_nade_kvd(nade, g_count, count)
set_pev(nade, pev_classname, NADE_NAME) // set nade unique classname
// setup nade origin and angle
new Float:origin[3]
pev(id, pev_origin, origin)
new Float:angles[3]
pev(id, pev_angles, angles)
origin[0] += floatcos(angles[1], degrees) * NADE_PLR_DIFF_DIST[i] + floatcos(angles[1] + 90, degrees) * NADE_DIFF_DIST[i]
origin[1] += floatsin(angles[1], degrees) * NADE_PLR_DIFF_DIST[i] + floatsin(angles[1] + 90, degrees) * NADE_DIFF_DIST[i]
engfunc(EngFunc_SetOrigin, nade, origin)
angles[0] = 0.0 // we don't need specific vertical angle
angles[1] += NADE_PLR_DIFF_ANGLE[i]
set_pev(nade, pev_angles, angles)
// setup nade velocity
new Float:velocity[3]
pev(id, pev_velocity, velocity)
set_pev(nade, pev_velocity, velocity)
dllfunc(DLLFunc_Spawn, nade) // spawn nade
public event_new_round() {
g_freezetime = true
g_nades_number = 0
// remove all dropped nades
new nade = -1
while ((nade = engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityByString, nade, g_classname, NADE_NAME))) // find nade entity id by nade unique classname
engfunc(EngFunc_RemoveEntity, nade) // remove nade entity
public logevent_round_start() {
g_freezetime = false
g_round_start_time = get_gametime()
public event_buyzone_icon(id) {
g_buyzone[id] = bool:read_data(1)
public client_disconnect(id) {
g_alive[id] = false // if player is disconnected he is not alive
g_buyzone[id] = false
public clcmd_fullupdate(id) {
return PLUGIN_HANDLED // can block fake "not in buyzone" exploit
// function to view and change plugin modes state via console commands
public concmd_config(id, level, cid) {
if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 1))
new command[32], argument[2], bool:value
read_argv(0, command, 31)
new bool:change = false
if (read_argc() > 1) {
change = true
read_argv(1, argument, 1)
value = bool:str_to_num(argument)
if (equali(command, CMD_ALIVE)) {
if (change)
MODE_ALIVE = value
value = MODE_ALIVE
else if (equali(command, CMD_BUY)) {
if (change)
MODE_BUY = value
value = MODE_BUY
else if (equali(command, CMD_DEATH)) {
if (change)
MODE_DEATH = value
value = MODE_DEATH
if (!change)
console_print(id, "^"%s^" is ^"%d^"", command, value)
set_nade_kvd(nade, const key[], const value[]) {
set_kvd(0, KV_ClassName, NADE_ENTITY)
set_kvd(0, KV_KeyName, key)
set_kvd(0, KV_Value, value)
set_kvd(0, KV_fHandled, 0)
return dllfunc(DLLFunc_KeyValue, nade, 0)
/* **************************************************** EOF **************************************************** */