MikeFM |
Noob |

Dołączył: 07 Mar 2008 |
Posty: 18 |
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
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Siema. Mam takie pytanko... czy umiałbyś naprawić plugin lastmanbets.amxx? Ponieważ kiedy zkomentuje linijke:
Kod: | #define IWANTPRIZES // comment this if you don't want prizes |
To menu stawiania zakładów w grze się nie pojawia, a jak nagrody sa wlaczone to sie pojawia, tyle tylko ze - nie chce nagród :/
Oto plik sma:
Kod: | #define PLUGINNAME "Last man bets"
#define VERSION "0.9.4"
#define AUTHOR "JGHG"
Copyleft 2004-2005
AMX Mod X versions:
Idea from miscstats' "Lastman" (by Olo?)
When two people remain, one on each team, the other players will have the chance to bet a sum of money on who will win the round.
You have to have a minimum of $100 (adjustable through a cvar) to place a bet, but then you can raise your bet as much as your wallet performs.
If your bet wins, you win the other betters money. The more you bet, the more you win. If you win. :-)
Everything is completely menu driven, no need to learn any commands or anything.
Bots bet automatically.
Pots: If no one bets on winning player, all failing bets will be added to the pot. The next player to win a bet (win the most money, if more win the same bet), gets the pot.
If pot is not collected before map ends/server shuts down/crashes ;-) it will be there for next map.
Example: If you bet $200 on the t player, and another person bets $100 on the t player, and the t player wins, you will receive 2/3rds of the total sum of money bet by all players.
Winning over $16000: Win prizes (optional)! For the money you win over $16000, you receive something:
For each You receive
$1000 Xtra life (respawn as long as round did not end when you died, a note to all players go out that you respawned - and how many lives you have left)
$100 Health boost (+100 health when spawning)
$10 Assault suit (if you don't have 100 armour when spawning, you will be given a full assault suit)
Before you install as usual, you might want to go through a couple of defines below. See "Adjust below settings to your liking".
No commands or anything. Betting is done through menus that pop up...
There are three cvars:
- lastmanbets_overridemenus
Default value is 1. You can set this to 0 so that if a player already has a menu open (amxmodmenu, wc3 menu, etc) the bet menu should not open. Note, from version 0.9 this always overrides VGUI menus due to some bug with detection of those.
- lastmanbets_defaultbet
Default value is 100. This value is the amount of $ needed to be able to place the minimum bet. It also defines the base for increments when raising/lowering bets.
- lastmanbets_bettime
Default value is 20 (seconds). Defines how long time the bet menu will stay open - a timer counts down in center of screen. When it reaches 0 whoever still has the bet menu open will have it closed.
Released Version Comment
070820 0.9.4 Added menu option to bet all money in one go.
050218 0.9.3 Don't respawn as spectator if having extra lives. Thanks "peoplerpoop".
050130 0.9.2 Removed two tag mismatches...
040716 0.9.2 Made some easy-to-edit defines to change how much each prize will cost you.
040715 0.9.1 As betting progresses, a red/blue hud message displays how much money was bet on each player, and how many bets each player got so far. Hudchannels can be tweaked.
040616 0.9 Added menu timer + cvar.
Fixed another bug that made the bet menu not show properly when lastmanbets_overridemenus was not set. Sometimes VGUI menu was detected as open on a player,
however the player did not have any menu at all open. VGUI menus are now always overridden.
040613 0.81 Fixed override cvar - looks like it worked the opposite way.
* Note that a typo in the cvar name itself was corrected: lastmanbets_overridemenus <---
040612 0.8 Betting wouldn't work at all when prizes were disabled. :-)
040611 0.7 Moved around some code, it's possible now to compile it all without prizes by commenting a define.
Can now also be compiled in debugmode. Debugmode should output (to server console) what players get the menu, and who doesn't and why they didn't.
Possible bugfíx (didn't see the bug in action...): when someone respawns, it should now be impossible for the bettings to start because that player just died.
Pot now saves to vault, so if it's not collected when map ends it will still be there for next map.
040607 0.6.1 Another try to fix the bug people are having with the menu never showing up (removed all uses of get_players)
040604 0.6 Bots supposedly didn't bet with lastmanbets_overridemenus set to 1. Fixed.
Prizes added.
Got some odd behaviour suddenly from a native (get_players) when bets were about to start, decided to scrap it and do things manually :-P.
040601 0.5 After round ended (bomb exploded, defused, hostages rescued etc), bets could still be started briefly if a 1vs1 situation appeared, ie
if someone killed someone after round ended. Should be fixed.
Other tweaks and bug fixes.
Added two new options when betting for faster "wild" betting.
Made cvar lastmanbets_defaultbet.
040531 0.4.2 Added lastmanbets_overridemenus cvar.
040530 0.4.1 If a user already has a menu open, no betting menu will open for that user.
040530 0.4 Bet menu should now close by itself when rounds end and you didn't place a bet fast enough.
040528 0.3 Added pot.
Small bugfix, thx to Martel.
040518 0.2 At draw, it should pay any bet money back... (when do you get draws in CS btw?)
A couple fixes here and there
Bots do way cooler betting now.
040517 0.1 First version
- bet against the odds
- redo the now IMO somewhat ugly menu
- verbose output of bets, prizes, stats..? Keep history, like top-ten most rewarding wins? Ever, and for current map...? (And output who killed who etc :-)
- max time, like 20 seconds, to bet, else menu closes
- Johnny got his gun
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <cstrike>
#include <fun>
// ---------- Adjust below settings to your liking ---------------------------------------
//#define DEBUGMODE // remove this comment to compile in debugmode
//#define IWANTPRIZES // comment this if you don't want prizes
#define XTRA_HEALTHBOOST 100 // how much extra health a health boost prize should give
// When you win money over $16000, the plugin automatically "buys" you prizes for that money until that money is all used up.
// You can change these values. Ie by default an extra life costs 1000, extra health 100 and armour 10. The plugin first tries to buy you as many extra lives
// it can (ie until less than $1000 remains), then goes on to buy extra health, and then extra armour. With that said, make sure extra life is still the most expensive
// and extra armour the cheapest prize, or you will run into trouble.
#define HUDCHANNEL_T 2 // Hud channels. You probably don't need to change these, but you can if you find that some of hud-displaying plugins are interfered
#define HUDCHANNEL_CT 3 // by the red/blue messages telling how much each player was bet on.
#define HUDMESSAGE_HOLDTIME 25.0 // For how many seconds (after last placed bet) should the red/blue messages stay onscreen. Must be a float (end with a decimal) value.
// __________________Bot settings here (you don't need to touch these)__________________
// A bot can be a "gambler", betting on the person with the lowest sum of HP and armour, else he's playing it "safe". To become a gambler
// each bot needs to get a random value below a certain (individual) value. This value in turn is gotten by choosing a random value between BOTGAMBLERMIN and BOTGAMBLERMAX.
// Ie the bot gamble value could end up as 0.3, and then it's a 30% chance that the bot will bet on the weaker remaining player.
// A random float from 0.0 to 1.0 decides how much $ a bot will bet. A setting will be used if the random float ends at least this value.
#define RATIO_HIGH 0.9
#define RATIO_MEDIUM 0.6
// Depending on ratio, this is how much of the bot's current money the bot will bet. MAXBET_LOW can at most let the bot set about one third of his total money sum.
#define MAXBET_LOW 0.3 // about one third here
#define MAXBET_MEDIUM 0.5 // half money maximum here
#define MAXBET_HIGH 1.0 // bot could bet all of his money here
// ---------- Adjust above settings to your liking ---------------------------------------
#define MENUBUTTON1 (1<<0)
#define MENUBUTTON2 (1<<1)
#define MENUBUTTON3 (1<<2)
#define MENUBUTTON4 (1<<3)
#define MENUBUTTON5 (1<<4)
#define MENUBUTTON6 (1<<5)
#define MENUBUTTON7 (1<<6)
#define MENUBUTTON8 (1<<7)
#define MENUBUTTON9 (1<<8)
#define MENUBUTTON0 (1<<9)
#define MENUSELECT1 0
#define MENUSELECT2 1
#define MENUSELECT3 2
#define MENUSELECT4 3
#define MENUSELECT5 4
#define MENUSELECT6 5
#define MENUSELECT7 6
#define MENUSELECT8 7
#define MENUSELECT9 8
#define MENUSELECT0 9
#define TEAM_T 1
#define TEAM_CT 2
// Time in seconds (must be float) from 1vs1 situation appears until bettings start - if the player that died when it was 2vs1 has respawned, the betting will be called off.
// Time in seconds (must be float) from a player dies until respawn, if having any extra lives. If round ended during this time, respawn will be called off. Must be lower than INITBETTINGSTIME.
#define RESPAWNTIME 0.5
#define TASKID_RESPAWN 100 // just some value. don't change
#define TASKID_BETTINGS 200 // don't change
#define TASKID_BETTIMER 300 // don't change
#define TASKID_BETTIMERDISPLAY 400 // don't change
// Hud settings
#define TRED 200
#define TGREEN 0
#define TBLUE 0
#define TX 0.25
#define CTRED 0
#define CTGREEN 0
#define CTBLUE 200
#define CTX 0.75
#define Y 0.35
#define EFFECTS 0
#define FXTIME 6.0
#define FADEINTIME 0.1
#define FADEOUTTIME 0.2
// Global vars below
//new const CT[] = "CT"
//new const T[] = "TERRORIST"
new const OVERRIDEPREVIOUSMENU[] = "lastmanbets_overridemenus"
new const CVAR_DEFAULTBET[] = "lastmanbets_defaultbet"
new const CVAR_BETTIME[] = "lastmanbets_bettime"
new const VAULTKEY_POT[] = "lastmanbets_pot"
new g_names[3][33]
new g_betperson[33]
new g_betamount[33]
new g_t
new g_ct
new bool:g_betting = false
new g_pot = 0
new g_betmenu
new bool:g_round
#if defined IWANTPRIZES
new g_extralives[33] = {0, ...}
new g_extrahealth[33] = {0, ...}
new g_extraarmour[33] = {0, ...}
new bool:g_freezenewround[33] = {false, ...} // to prevent from giving prizes several times on newround (could happen ~2 times for some reason)
// Global vars above
public death_event() {
#if defined IWANTPRIZES
new victim = read_data(2) // victim needed by IWANTPRIZES and DEBUGMODE, else not
//client_print(0, print_chat, "death_event, victim: %d, g_round: %d, g_extralives[victim]: %d", victim, g_round, g_extralives[victim])
if (g_extralives[victim]) {
new team = get_user_team(victim)
if (team == TEAM_T || team == TEAM_CT) {
new idd[1]
idd[0] = victim
set_task(RESPAWNTIME, "respawn", TASKID_RESPAWN + victim, idd, 1)
// Return here. If victim died and can respawn, this means a 1vs1 has not happened yet. Victim will not respawn if round ended - and if round ended, bet shouldn't start anyway.
//client_print(0, print_chat, "death_event, end 1")
#endif // defined IWANTPRIZES
if (!g_round) {
//client_print(0, print_chat, "death_event, end 2")
new cts[32], ts[32], ctsnum = 0, tsnum = 0
new const MAXPLAYERS = get_maxplayers()
for (new i = 1; i <= MAXPLAYERS; i++) {
if (!is_user_connected(i) || !is_user_alive(i))
switch (cs_get_user_team(i)) {
case TEAM_T: ts[tsnum++] = i
case TEAM_CT: cts[ctsnum++] = i
default: {
// A user that is not alive but not on T _or_ CT, who is he anyway?? :-)
if (tsnum > 1 || ctsnum > 1) {
//client_print(0, print_chat, "Deathevent ends in loop, not 1vs1: cts: %d, ts: %d", ctsnum, tsnum)
// (These two get_players had problems in earlier versions, they are now replaced by manual code finding players)
//get_players(cts, ctsnum, "ae", CT) // match alive and team
//get_players(ts, tsnum, "ae", T) // match alive and team
if (ctsnum != 1 || tsnum != 1) {
//client_print(0, print_chat, "death_event, end 3, cts: %d, ts: %d", ctsnum, tsnum)
get_user_name(ts[0], g_names[TEAM_T], 32)
get_user_name(cts[0], g_names[TEAM_CT], 32)
g_t = ts[0]
g_ct = cts[0]
#if defined DEBUGMODE
new victimdebug = read_data(2) // victim needed by IWANTPRIZES and DEBUGMODE, else not
new victimname[32]
get_user_name(victimdebug, victimname, 31)
log_amx("Betting will maybe start in %f seconds (if %s that just died does not respawn, or the round ends)", INITBETTINGSTIME, victimname)
displaybetshud() {
//client_print(0, print_chat, "%s bet $%d on %s.", name, g_betamount[id], g_names[g_betperson[id]])
new const MAXPLAYERS = get_maxplayers()
// First calculate how much each player has been bet on.
new betamounts[2] = {0, 0}, betcount[2] = {0, 0} // t, ct
for (new i = 1; i <= MAXPLAYERS; i++) {
if (!is_user_connected(i) // no one can win money from a player that has disconnected, even though he bet...
|| g_betperson[i] == 0) // this player didn't bet yet
betamounts[g_betperson[i] - 1] += g_betamount[i] // -1 because person will be a team number, either 1 (t) or 2 (ct).
betcount[g_betperson[i] - 1]++
const MESSAGESIZE = 511
new tMessage[MESSAGESIZE + 1], ctMessage[MESSAGESIZE + 1]
format(tMessage, MESSAGESIZE, "%s^n$%d from %d bets", g_names[TEAM_T], betamounts[0], betcount[0])
format(ctMessage, MESSAGESIZE, "%s^n$%d from %d bets", g_names[TEAM_CT], betamounts[1], betcount[1])
for (new i = 1; i <= MAXPLAYERS; i++) {
if (!is_user_connected(i) || is_user_bot(i))
// display hud stuff to this person
show_hudmessage(i, tMessage)
show_hudmessage(i, ctMessage)
#if defined IWANTPRIZES // keeping all prizes-only functions within this big block, don't forget to move fns out of it when they are used by nonprize compiles
public respawn(idd[1]) {
new team = get_user_team(idd[0])
if (team != TEAM_T && team != TEAM_CT)
// Call any bets off. If we have a respawner, a 1vs1 situation is impossible.
#if defined DEBUGMODE
new name[32]
get_user_name(idd[0], name, 31)
log_amx("%s %s %s", name, g_round ? "respawns!" : "would've respawned if the round didn't just end... no respawn this time!", task_exists(TASKID_BETTINGS) ? "A betting was about to happen but will called off." : "A betting wasn't about to happen anyway, no action taken.")
if (task_exists(TASKID_BETTINGS)) // probably not entirely necessary
remove_task(TASKID_BETTINGS) // this should be necessary, though
if (!g_round)
new name2[32]
get_user_name(idd[0], name2, 31)
client_print(0, print_chat, "%s respawned, having %d li%s left!", name2, g_extralives[idd[0]], g_extralives[idd[0]] == 1 ? "fe" : "ves")
public client_connect(id) {
prize(id, moneyover16k) {
new lives = 0, healths = 0, armours = 0, origmoney = moneyover16k
while (moneyover16k >= PRIZEPRICE_EXTRALIFE) {
while (moneyover16k >= PRIZEPRICE_EXTRAHEALTH) {
while (moneyover16k >= PRIZEPRICE_EXTRAARMOUR) {
client_print(id, print_chat, "For winning $%d over $16000, you win these prizes: %d Xtra lives, %d health boosts, %d assault suits", origmoney, lives, healths, armours)
setprizes(id) {
new bool:extrahealthused = false, bool:extraarmourused = false
// Add extra health
if (g_extrahealth[id] > 0) {
new idd[1]
idd[0] = id
set_task(0.5, "delayedhealthboost", 0, idd, 1)
extrahealthused = true
// Add extra armour
new userarmour = get_user_armor(id)
if (g_extraarmour[id] > 0 && userarmour < 100) {
give_item(id, "item_assaultsuit")
extraarmourused = true
if (g_extralives[id] + g_extrahealth[id] + g_extraarmour[id] != 0)
client_print(id, print_chat, "Prizes remaining: %d Xtra lives, %d health boosts%s, %d assault suits%s", g_extralives[id], g_extrahealth[id], extrahealthused ? " (1 just used)" : "", g_extraarmour[id], extraarmourused ? " (1 just used)" : "")
public delayedhealthboost(idd[1]) {
set_user_health(idd[0], get_user_health(idd[0]) + XTRA_HEALTHBOOST)
remove_respawntasks() {
for (new i = 1; i < 33; i++)
remove_task(TASKID_RESPAWN + i)
public unsetfreeze(idd[1]) {
g_freezenewround[idd[0]] = false
public restartgame_event() {
for (new i = 1; i < 33; i++)
resetprizes(id) {
g_extralives[id] = 0
g_extrahealth[id] = 0
g_extraarmour[id] = 0
g_freezenewround[id] = false
#if defined DEBUGMODE
public giveprize(id, level, cid) {
if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 4)) {
new giveto, theprize, prizes
new buffer[10]
read_argv(1, buffer, 9)
giveto = str_to_num(buffer)
read_argv(2, buffer, 9)
theprize = str_to_num(buffer)
read_argv(3, buffer, 9)
prizes = str_to_num(buffer)
switch (theprize) {
case 1: {
g_extralives[giveto] += prizes
case 2: {
g_extrahealth[giveto] += prizes
case 3: {
g_extraarmour[giveto] += prizes
default: {
console_print(id, "Only 1-3 works...")
console_print(id, "Gave %d stuff of type %d to %d.", prizes, theprize, giveto)
public giveprizeall(id, level, cid) {
if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 3)) {
new theprize, prizes
new buffer[10]
read_argv(1, buffer, 9)
theprize = str_to_num(buffer)
read_argv(2, buffer, 9)
prizes = str_to_num(buffer)
new const MAXCLIENTS = get_maxplayers()
for (new i = 1; i <= MAXCLIENTS; i++) {
if (!is_user_connected(i))
switch (theprize) {
case 1: {
g_extralives[i] = prizes
case 2: {
g_extrahealth[i] = prizes
case 3: {
g_extraarmour[i] = prizes
default: {
console_print(id, "Only 1-3 works...")
console_print(id, "Set %d stuff of type %d to all.", prizes, theprize)
#endif // defined DEBUGMODE
#endif // defined IWANTPRIZES
public newround_event(id) {
#if defined IWANTPRIZES
if (g_freezenewround[id])
//log_amx("newround_event called for %d", id)
g_freezenewround[id] = true
new idd[1]
idd[0] = id
set_task(1.0, "unsetfreeze", 0, idd, 1)
#endif // defined IWANTPRIZES
if (!g_round)
g_round = true
hudtimerstarter() {
new timeend[1]
timeend[0] = get_systime() + get_cvar_num(CVAR_BETTIME)
set_task(1.0, "hudtimerdisplay", TASKID_BETTIMERDISPLAY, timeend, 1, "b")
public hudtimerdisplay(timeend[1]) {
new const MAXPLAYERS = get_maxplayers()
new secondsleft = timeend[0] - get_systime()
new msg[64]
if (secondsleft > 0) {
msg = "Bet menu closes in %d seconds"
format(msg, 63, msg, secondsleft)
msg = "You didn't bet fast enough..."
new usermenu, userkeys, bool:nooneisinmenu = true
for (new i = 1; i <= MAXPLAYERS; i++) {
if (!is_user_connected(i) || is_user_alive(i) || is_user_bot(i))
nooneisinmenu = false
get_user_menu(i, usermenu, userkeys) // get user menu
if (usermenu == g_betmenu) {
// Display time left here
client_print(i, print_center, msg)
// End loops if no one is in menu...
if (nooneisinmenu) {
public initbettings() {
if (!g_round) { // if round already ended, call bets off
#if defined DEBUGMODE
log_amx("Bettings was about to start, but the round ended, so no bettings will occur this time.")
// Start timer here
set_task(get_cvar_float(CVAR_BETTIME), "closebetmenu", TASKID_BETTIMER)
new const DEFAULTBET = get_cvar_num(CVAR_DEFAULTBET)
g_betting = true
for (new i = 1; i < 33; i++) // Reset votes
g_betperson[i] = 0
new bool:overridepreviousmenu, bool:bot, currentmenu, CsTeams:team, keys
overridepreviousmenu = true
overridepreviousmenu = false
new const MAXPLAYERS = get_maxplayers()
#if defined DEBUGMODE
log_amx("Bettings will now start. This server supports %d players.", MAXPLAYERS)
new name[32]
for (new i = 1; i <= MAXPLAYERS; i++) {
if (!is_user_connected(i) || is_user_alive(i)) { // Online, dead players only
#if defined DEBUGMODE
if (!is_user_connected(i)) {
//log_amx("Player #%d is not connected and will not be able to vote.", i)
else {
get_user_name(i, name, 31)
log_amx("Player #%d (%s) is alive and will not be able to vote.", i, name)
bot = bool:is_user_bot(i)
if (!bot && !overridepreviousmenu) {
// If already in a menu, don't bother. This isn't that important...
get_user_menu(i, currentmenu, keys) // currentmenu should be 0 when user is in no menu, only then it's ok to show a bet menu :-]
if (currentmenu > 0) {
#if defined DEBUGMODE
get_user_name(i, name, 31)
log_amx("Player #%d (%s) is already in another menu (%d) - your %s cvar is defined to not show bet menu to ppl who already have a menu open. (Bet menu has id %d)", i, name, currentmenu, OVERRIDEPREVIOUSMENU, g_betmenu)
// Must be on T or CT team
team = cs_get_user_team(i)
if (team != CS_TEAM_T && team != CS_TEAM_CT) {
#if defined DEBUGMODE
get_user_name(i, name, 31)
log_amx("Player #%d (%s) is not on team 1 (T) or 2 (CT). Actually the player is on team %d and thus can't bet.", i, name, int:team)
// Must have at least DEFAULTBET dollars to participate...
if (cs_get_user_money(i) < DEFAULTBET) {
#if defined DEBUGMODE
get_user_name(i, name, 31)
log_amx("Player #%d (%s) does only have $%d, which is below the $%d needed to be able to vote.", i, name, cs_get_user_money(i), DEFAULTBET)
client_print(i, print_chat, "You don't have the minimum $%d needed to place a bet.", DEFAULTBET)
g_betamount[i] = DEFAULTBET
if (bot) {
// Bots "bet"
//client_print(0, print_chat, "%d should vote and is a bot!", deadplayers[i])
new botid[1]
botid[0] = i
set_task(random_float(1.0, 5.0), "botbet", 0, botid, 1)
#if defined DEBUGMODE
get_user_name(i, name, 31)
log_amx("Player #%d (%s) is a bot and will bet...", i, name)
else {
//client_print(deadplayers[i], print_chat, "starting bet for you")
#if defined DEBUGMODE
get_user_name(i, name, 31)
log_amx("Player #%d (%s) is a normal player and IS shown the bet menu and thus gets the chance to bet this time...", i, name)
public botbet(botid[1]) {
if (!g_betting || !is_user_connected(botid[0])) // bot may have been disconnected during the time...
// Bot will bet.
// Bot can bet any even $100 value... and should choose the player with most hp+armour, and possibly best frags/deaths ratio, and then it could turn all over to the other guy for
// gambling purpose.
// Gambling ratio could be set somewhere between 0.1 and 0.5...
new bool:gambler = false // this bot is not a gambler... yet
if (random_float(0.0, 1.0) <= GAMBLER_RATIO)
gambler = true // ok, this bot wants to be a gambler :-)
new nongamblerschoice = getnongamblerschoice()
new choice = gambler ? (nongamblerschoice == TEAM_T ? TEAM_CT : TEAM_T) : nongamblerschoice
/*if (gambler) {
if (nongamblerschoice == TEAM_T)
choice = TEAM_CT
choice = TEAM_T
new money = cs_get_user_money(botid[0])
money -= money % 100 // 553 - (553 % 100) would be 553 - (53) would be 500, ie even amount in hundreds...
money = botbetmoney(money)
if (money == 0) // Bot didn't bet this time...
g_betamount[botid[0]] = money
placebet(botid[0], choice)
// Decides how much money the will bot bet.
botbetmoney(money) {
// Low (0.0 > 0.6), medium (0.6 > 0.9), high (0.9 > 1.0)
// Low == max 30% of money
// Medium == max 50% of money
// High == max 100% of money
new const Float:RATIO = random_float(0.0, 1.0)
new BETSETTING:betSetting = BET_LOW
betSetting = BET_HIGH
betSetting = BET_MEDIUM
new Float:pctOfMoneyToBet
switch (betSetting) {
case BET_LOW: pctOfMoneyToBet = random_float(0.0, MAXBET_LOW) // MAXBET_LOW 0.3
case BET_MEDIUM: pctOfMoneyToBet = random_float(0.0, MAXBET_MEDIUM) // MAXBET_MEDIUM 0.5
//case BET_HIGH: pctOfMoneyToBet = random_float(0.0, MAXBET_HIGH) // MAXBET_HIGH 1.0
default: pctOfMoneyToBet = random_float(0.0, MAXBET_HIGH) // MAXBET_HIGH 1.0
money = floatround(money * pctOfMoneyToBet)
money -= money % 100 // to have equal 100s...
return money
getnongamblerschoice() {
new choice
new t_hp = get_user_health(g_t), ct_hp = get_user_health(g_ct), t_armour = get_user_armor(g_t), ct_armour = get_user_armor(g_ct)
if (t_hp + t_armour > ct_hp + ct_armour)
choice = TEAM_T
else if (t_hp + t_armour < ct_hp + ct_armour)
choice = TEAM_CT
else // They're equal
choice = random_num(TEAM_T, TEAM_CT)
return choice
startbet(id) {
if (!g_betting) {
client_print(id, print_center, "Your bet is too late!")
new menuBody[512], flags = MENUBUTTON1|MENUBUTTON2|MENUBUTTON0, money = cs_get_user_money(id)
new t_hp = get_user_health(g_t), ct_hp = get_user_health(g_ct), t_armour = get_user_armor(g_t), ct_armour = get_user_armor(g_ct)
new len = format(menuBody, 511, "It's \y%s\w vs. \y%s\w! Place your bets! Who will win?^n^n1. %s (HP: %d, Armour: %d)^n2. %s (HP: %d, Armour: %d)^n^nCurrent bet: $\y%d\w^n", g_names[TEAM_T], g_names[TEAM_CT], g_names[TEAM_T], t_hp, t_armour, g_names[TEAM_CT], ct_hp, ct_armour, g_betamount[id])
if (g_pot > 0)
len += format(menuBody[len], 511 - len, "^nCurrent pot is $\y%d\w^n", g_pot)
new const DEFAULTBET = get_cvar_num(CVAR_DEFAULTBET)
// +1x
if (money >= g_betamount[id] + DEFAULTBET) {
flags |= MENUBUTTON3
len += format(menuBody[len], 511 - len, "\w")
len += format(menuBody[len], 511 - len, "\d")
len += format(menuBody[len], 511 - len, "3. Raise bet by $%d^n", DEFAULTBET)
// +10x
if (money >= g_betamount[id] + DEFAULTBET * 10) {
flags |= MENUBUTTON4
len += format(menuBody[len], 511 - len, "\w")
len += format(menuBody[len], 511 - len, "\d")
len += format(menuBody[len], 511 - len, "4. Raise bet by $%d^n", DEFAULTBET * 10)
// -1x
if (g_betamount[id] - DEFAULTBET >= DEFAULTBET) {
flags |= MENUBUTTON5
len += format(menuBody[len], 511 - len, "\w")
len += format(menuBody[len], 511 - len, "\d")
len += format(menuBody[len], 511 - len, "5. Lower bet by $%d^n", DEFAULTBET)
// -10x
if (g_betamount[id] - DEFAULTBET * 10 >= DEFAULTBET) {
flags |= MENUBUTTON6
len += format(menuBody[len], 511 - len, "\w")
len += format(menuBody[len], 511 - len, "\d")
len += format(menuBody[len], 511 - len, "6. Lower bet by $%d^n\w", DEFAULTBET * 10)
len += format(menuBody[len], 511 - len, "7. Bet all!")
flags |= MENUBUTTON7
len += format(menuBody[len], 511 - len, "^n^n0. I'm not a gambler")
show_menu(id, flags, menuBody)
//client_print(id, print_chat, "Showing menu to you")
public menu_fn(id, key) {
//client_print(id, print_chat, "You selected a menu option, key: %d", key)
new bool:stayinmenu = true
new const DEFAULTBET = get_cvar_num(CVAR_DEFAULTBET)
switch (key) {
// bet on t
placebet(id, TEAM_T)
stayinmenu = false
// bet on ct
placebet(id, TEAM_CT)
stayinmenu = false
// raise bet
alterbet(id, DEFAULTBET)
// lower bet
alterbet(id, DEFAULTBET * 10)
// raise bet
alterbet(id, -DEFAULTBET)
// lower bet
alterbet(id, -DEFAULTBET * 10)
// bet all
// no bet
if (g_betting)
client_print(id, print_chat, "Sure, don't bet anything. See if I care!")
stayinmenu = false
if (stayinmenu)
placebet(id, choice) {
if (!is_user_connected(id))
if (g_betting) {
g_betperson[id] = choice
altermoney(id, -g_betamount[id])
new name[33]
get_user_name(id, name, 32)
client_print(0, print_chat, "%s bet $%d on %s.", name, g_betamount[id], g_names[g_betperson[id]])
client_print(id, print_center, "Your bet is too late!")
alterbet(id, money) {
g_betamount[id] += money
betall(id) {
g_betamount[id] = cs_get_user_money(id)
altermoney(id, money) { // calc 16000+ bonuses here?
new newmoney = cs_get_user_money(id) + money
#if defined IWANTPRIZES
if (newmoney > 16000)
prize(id, newmoney - 16000)
cs_set_user_money(id, newmoney, 1)
roundendtasks(const TEAM) {
#if defined IWANTPRIZES
g_round = false
if (g_betting) {
remove_task(TASKID_BETTIMER) // stop the timer that will close the menu...
remove_task(TASKID_BETTIMERDISPLAY) // stop the timer that displays the time left until menu closes...
if (TEAM == TEAM_T || TEAM == TEAM_CT)
else // round ended in a draw... payback all bet money
public roundend_t_event() {
public roundend_ct_event() {
public roundend_draw_event() {
public closebetmenu() {
new const MAXPLAYERS = get_maxplayers()
new usermenu, userkeys
for (new i = 1; i <= MAXPLAYERS; i++) {
if (!is_user_connected(i) || is_user_alive(i) || is_user_bot(i))
get_user_menu(i, usermenu, userkeys) // get user menu
if (usermenu == g_betmenu) // Hide it here!
client_cmd(i, "slot10") // client_print(players[i], print_chat, "Hey, round's over and you didn't bet yet... close that menu!")
payback() {
// End betting here
g_betting = false
for (new i = 1; i < 33; i++) {
if (i == g_t || i == g_ct || !is_user_connected(i) || g_betperson[i] == 0) // the remaining players didn't bet, and don't interact with disconnected players, and don't give anything to those who didn't bet
altermoney(i, g_betamount[i])
client_print(i, print_chat, "Round ended in a draw. Here's your $%d back.", g_betamount[i])
calculatebets(result) {
// End betting here
g_betting = false
// Find all who voted for right player, store how much they voted
new totalrightbets = 0, overallbets = 0
for (new i = 1; i < 33; i++) {
if (g_betperson[i] == result)
totalrightbets += g_betamount[i]
if (g_betperson[i] == TEAM_T || g_betperson[i] == TEAM_CT)
overallbets += g_betamount[i]
// Did anyone make a bet at all?
if (overallbets == 0) {
client_print(0, print_chat, "No betting was done this round...")
// Print total bets.
client_print(0, print_chat, "Total bets: $%d ($%d on winning team)", overallbets, totalrightbets)
// Now hand out money...
new Float:wonmoney, name[33], Float:highestwonmoney = -1.0, nr_of_highestwinners = 0, highestwinners[32],CsTeams:team
for (new i = 1; i < 33; i++) {
if (i == g_t || i == g_ct || !is_user_connected(i)) // the remaining players didn't bet, and don't interact with disconnected players...
team = cs_get_user_team(i)
if (team != CS_TEAM_T && team != CS_TEAM_CT) // spectators don't get anything
get_user_name(i, name, 32)
if (totalrightbets > 0 && g_betperson[i] == result) { // Just to avoid divison by 0 (which shouldn't happen, but...)
// This player should have money. How much? ((g_betamount[i] / totalrightbets) * overallbets)
wonmoney = (float(g_betamount[i]) / float(totalrightbets)) * float(overallbets)
client_print(i, print_chat, "You won the bet! You receive your bet, $%d, and an additional $%d!", g_betamount[i], floatround(wonmoney) - g_betamount[i])
server_print("%s won the bet and receives his original bet, $%d, and an additional $%d!", name, g_betamount[i], floatround(wonmoney) - g_betamount[i])
altermoney(i, floatround(wonmoney))
if (wonmoney - g_betamount[i] > highestwonmoney) {
nr_of_highestwinners = 0
highestwinners[nr_of_highestwinners++] = i
highestwonmoney = wonmoney - g_betamount[i]
else if (wonmoney - g_betamount[i] == highestwonmoney) {
highestwinners[nr_of_highestwinners++] = i
else if (g_betperson[i] == 0) {
client_print(i, print_chat, "You didn't bet this time.")
server_print("%s didn't place a bet this time...", name)
else {
client_print(i, print_chat, "You lost your $%d bet!", g_betamount[i])
server_print("%s lost $%d on a betting...", name, g_betamount[i])
//statsworker(highestwinners, nr_of_highestwinners, highestwonmoney)
if (nr_of_highestwinners == 0) { // Did anyone make the right bet? If not, move the bet money to the pot.
client_print(0, print_chat, "No one won anything. $%d is added to the pot. Pot value: $%d", overallbets, g_pot += overallbets)
else if (nr_of_highestwinners == 1) { // Winner takes it all.
get_user_name(highestwinners[0], name, 32)
if (g_pot != 0) {
client_print(0, print_chat, "%s won $%d with a $%d bet, thus also winning the pot, $%d!", name, floatround(highestwonmoney), g_betamount[highestwinners[0]], g_pot)
give_pot(nr_of_highestwinners, highestwinners)
else {
if (highestwonmoney >= 1.0)
client_print(0, print_chat, "%s won $%d with a $%d bet, however the pot is empty.", name, floatround(highestwonmoney), g_betamount[highestwinners[0]])
else { // Winners share it all.
new msg[128], len = 0
if (g_pot > 0) {
len += format(msg[len], 127 - len, "Sharing the $%d pot: ", g_pot)
give_pot(nr_of_highestwinners, highestwinners)
len += format(msg[len], 127 - len, "Best winners: ")
for (new i = 0; i < nr_of_highestwinners; i++) {
get_user_name(highestwinners[i], name, 32)
len += format(msg[len], 127 - len, "%s ", name)
statsworker(highestwinners[32], const NROFHIGHESTWINNERS, Float:highestwonmoney) {
// Build result table of last bet
set_vaultpot(value) {
new potstr[16]
num_to_str(value, potstr, 15)
set_vaultdata(VAULTKEY_POT, potstr)
give_pot(nr_of_winners, winners[32]) {
new pot = g_pot
g_pot = 0
set_vaultpot(0) // empty pot in vault
if (nr_of_winners == 1) {
altermoney(winners[0], pot)
if (nr_of_winners == 0) {
log_amx("%s: Error in script - division by zero error in give_pot! nr_of_winners: %d", nr_of_winners)
new share = pot/nr_of_winners
for (new i = 0; i < nr_of_winners; i++)
altermoney(winners[i], share)
public killtest(id, level, cid) {
if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 1))
new const MAXPLAYERS = get_maxplayers()
new bool:tSkonad = false, bool:ctSkonad = false, team
for (new i = 1; i <= MAXPLAYERS; i++) {
if (!is_user_connected(i) || !is_user_alive(i))
if (tSkonad && ctSkonad) {
user_kill(i, 1)
team = cs_get_user_team(i)
if (team == TEAM_T) {
if (tSkonad || i == id)
user_kill(i, 1)
tSkonad = true
else if (team == TEAM_CT) {
if (ctSkonad || i == id)
user_kill(i, 1)
ctSkonad = true
else {
// Some odd team... just kill!
user_kill(i, 1)
public plugin_init() {
register_event("DeathMsg", "death_event", "a")
register_event("SendAudio", "roundend_t_event", "a", "2&%!MRAD_terwin")
register_event("SendAudio", "roundend_ct_event", "a", "2&%!MRAD_ctwin")
register_event("SendAudio", "roundend_draw_event", "a", "2&%!MRAD_rounddraw")
register_event("ResetHUD", "newround_event", "b")
#if defined IWANTPRIZES
register_event("TextMsg", "restartgame_event", "a", "2&#Game_C","2&#Game_w")
register_event("TextMsg", "restartgame_event", "a", "2&#Game_will_restart_in")
#if defined DEBUGMODE
register_concmd("0gp", "giveprize", ADMIN_CFG, "<id> <1-3> <#> - give # 1-3 prizes to id")
register_concmd("0gpa", "giveprizeall", ADMIN_CFG, "<1-3> <#> - give # 1-3 prizes to all")
//register_clcmd("0killtest", "killtest", ADMIN_CFG, "- kills you and leaves two people alive on each team...")
register_cvar(OVERRIDEPREVIOUSMENU, "1")
register_cvar(CVAR_DEFAULTBET, "100")
register_cvar(CVAR_BETTIME, "20")
g_betmenu = register_menuid("It's")
register_menucmd(g_betmenu, 1023, "menu_fn")
if (vaultdata_exists(VAULTKEY_POT))
g_pot = get_vaultdata(VAULTKEY_POT)
server_print("%s version %s initialized.", PLUGINNAME, VERSION)
Z góey dzięki ;] |